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Dictionary and Glossary of Astrological Terms starting with letter 'T'

Table of Houses
A book having tables of zodiac signs and their rising degree for twelve house cusps for various latitudes, used for construction of the horoscopes.
Literally meaning body; used to denote the Lagna or the 1st house of the horoscope in Vedic Astrology.
T Square
A configuration formed between three planets or points, when two planets or points are in opposition and both are in square with the third planet or point and thus forming a 'T' in the heavens. This is a a challenging aspect configuration.
A Vedic Astrology technique used mostly to answer horary related queries.
Tamasic Houses
The 6th, 8th and 12th houses are called Tamasic Houses.
Literally meaning a star; a Nakshatra or planet. But specifically used in Ashtakoot gunas (Marriage matchmaking) in judging compatibility between prospective groom and bride. It is based upon the mutual distance of their Moon's Nakshatra.
Tara Dasa
A system of prediction which uses planetary period like Vimshottari Dasha, it determines the strength of planets for choosing the starting point in Dasha or Planetary period. The sequence that follows thereafter are identical to Vimshottari Dasa.
Tara means 'star' and Bala means 'strength. It is used in Muhurat or election astrology for determining the auspiciousness of the day for any given activity.
Tatkalik Maitri
Used in Vedic Astrology; meaning temporal friendship between two planets based upon their placement in the horoscope.
Taurus or Rishabh is the second sign of the Zodiac. It is indicated by a Bull. The symbol of Taurus indicates a Bull's head and horns. In heavens it starts from 30 degrees and extends up to 59 degrees. The Sun stays in Taurus from 15 May to 14 June as per sidereal zodiac which is followed by Vedic Astrologers and from 21 April to 21 May as per Tropical Zodiac followed by Western Astrologers. Taurus is ruled by planet Venus, its fixed, earthly, feminine sign, governs throat, and the second house of the horoscope. Its characteristics are endurance, sense for values and material, stability, tradition and sensuality. It symbolizes will for goal achievement, practical ambition, fertility, basis of self-consciousness and ability to materialize.
The theory of temperaments or complexions is based on four basic qualities and also seasons - hot, cold, wet, and dry. Hot and cold are one pair of opposites and wet and dry are the other. Every astrological sign is assigned two of these qualities or seasons. Fire signs are Hot and Dry, Air signs are Hot and Wet, Earth signs are Cold and Dry and Water signs are Cold and Wet.
Temporal Houses
Temporal or Possessive Houses, it representing the temporal status of the native as signified by 2nd, 6th and 10th houses. These three houses are also collectively known as the Trinity of Wealth.
A term used to denote a planet or a point when it occupies a sign or a house in question in the horoscope. For example, If Sun is placed in 7th house in Pisces, it could be said that Sun is tenanted in 7th house or Sun is a tenant of Jupiter's sign.
Terminal Houses
A term collectively given to 4th, 8th, 12th House, ruled naturally by water sign triplicity of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. They are referred to a Terminal houses because they naturally governs the end or terminations of physical life and the liberation of the soul. They are also known as the Trinity of Psychism.
Tetrabiblos is believed to be the oldest book on astrology, written by Claudius Ptolemy, an ancient Greek Astrologer.
An alternate term for the square or 90 degree aspect.
A common term referring to overall makeup of a horoscope.
Thribhaga Bala
Tribhaga Bala is one of the components of Kala Bala, a source of strength for any plnet caused by the birth taking place in one of the 3 portions of day or night.
Time to Exactness
The number of days since the "beginning of creation". It is used in the calculation of Shad bala.
A Lunar Day used in Indian calendar and in Vedic Astrology. It is one of the components of Muhurata. It is calculated as a distance between transiting Moon and Sun. A Tithi is completed when the longitude of Moon gains exactly 12 degrees or its multiple on that of Sun and therefore there are 30 Tithis in a lunar month.
Topocentric System
Method of house division, proposed by Polich and Page. This system is derived from projecting known personal events of any person onto a chart, as opposed to other house systems which are derived mathematically.
Trans Personal Planets
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are know as Trans personal planets because their effect in any particular astrological sign is more on entire generation than on any person.
The movement of the planets and other heavenly bodies through the heavens is known as a Transit.
Translation of Light
A translation of light occurs when a transiting planet is separating from an aspect with one planet while simultaneously applying an aspect to another. The transiting planet briefly connects the two planets (which may otherwise not be in aspect with each another), imparting the influence (the "light") from the planet from which it is separating to the planet to which it is applying. For example, say that in an individual's natal chart, Mars is at 12° Aquarius and Venus is at 24 degree Aquarius. As the transiting Moon reaches 18° Aquarius, it is separating from a conjunction with Mars and applying a conjunction to Venus. While thus in between conjunctions, the Moon is said to be translating (imparting) the light (the energy) of Mars to Venus.
A planet is supposed to be orbiting beyond Pluto and is named Aka Bacchus or Persephone, it has been said to rule this sign of Taurus.
A Trecile or a Tresile or a Tredecile is a minor aspect of 108 degrees invented by Kepler. It belongs to family of aspects that is created by subdividing a circle into 10 parts 36, 72, 108, 144 degrees etc.
Tribhaga Bala
Tribhaga Bala is a source of strength caused by the birth taking place in one of the 3 portions of day and night. Any planet may get this strength only if birth took place in its particular portion of the day or night. Tribhaga Bala is one of the components of Kala Bala.
Tribhagi dasha
A dasha system similar to the Vimshottari Dasha but is of two-third of its length.
Same as Triplicity (see below)
Vedic Astrology term used to denote Trine houses, Ascendant or Lagna, the 5th and the 9th Houses.
Trikona Dasa
A system of planetary period in which the most strong sign among the 1st, 9th, and 5th houses determine the starting point and the sequence differs for odd and even signs.
Trikona Reduction
A reduction to the Ashtakavarga points or bindus based upon trine signs.
One of the sixteen sign divisions or Varga wherein each Rashi is divided into thirty parts of one degree each and is used to judge misfortunes.
An aspect of 120 degrees; it is the most harmonious aspect because of the fact that planets placed about 120 degrees apart are mostly in signs of the same element and these energies combine with ease.
Tripataki Chakra
A inauspicious planetary combination formed by all planets, except Jupiter and Mars, afflicting the Ascendant and Moon. It is also used to denote a special chart based upon the progression of planets on a yearly basis in the Varshphal or Annual Horoscope.
Triplicity refers to a group of three signs of the same element. The fire triplicity contains Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius; the earth triplicity contains Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn; the air triplicity contains Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius; and the water triplicity have Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. It also sometimes is used to refer to groups of three houses.
Tripod Pattern
A tripod pattern is a horoscope arrangement in which the planets are organized into three distinct clusters. Ideally, each cluster forms trine aspects with the other two clusters.
Tropical Signs
Cancer and Capricorn are two tropical signs.
Tropical Zodiac
Zodiacal system based on the movements of the seasons, as opposed to the Sidereal Zodiac, which is based upon actual stellar positions.
The parallels of latitude about 23.5 degrees North or South of the Equator.
Vedic Astrology term for the zodiac sign of Libra.
Turbulent Aspect
It is a square (90 degrees) or Opposition (180 degrees) aspect. But also the 150 degree (Quincunx) aspect if Saturn is involved.

Astrology Terms starting with letter: 

Written by Sanjay Sharma, © 2011, revised March 2021