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Libra and Virgo Compatibility Horoscope

Libra Man and Virgo Woman -- Awkward!

She has a terrible habit of taking him at his word; therefore, when he mumbles the word "marriage" in a drunken moment after she has cooked him a delectable dinner, she will mistakenly expect him to remember. She is earthy, shy and exacting, while he is airy, carefree and convivial. He likes a good time and is not too discriminating about how he gets it. She is faithful, kind, caring and very serious. He is often unfaithful, cruel without realizing it, and sensitive only to his own needs. He can cover up for his irresponsibility by bemoaning his own confusion, and he has a very clever way of trying to exact her sympathy at the same time. Many men can be demanding, but Mr. Libra requires nothing less that the personification of Woman. Perhaps he should give up real relationships; instead, he could make his own movie, pick his own actresses and then sit back and enjoy as his veins pulse.

Libra Woman and Virgo Man -- OK for a while!

There's a kind of substance to him that she finds truly attractive. She will admire the way he never agonizes over decisions, because he sees every issue as cut and dried. She will be overwhelmed by his discipline in the face of distracting influences, and she will have respect for the way he does what he feels he has to do without making a big deal out of it. However, should he start nagging her about the way she washes the dishes or giving her a dissertation about how she should improve her dental habits, she will suddenly find that she can barely stifle a yawn. Despite any kind of compatibility that can be achieved here, there will always be communication gaps that have to be worked out. However, since she can see both sides of a question, and his understanding is a bit more restricted, the responsibility is really on her shoulders. In the long run, she may find that a little time invested in this relationship could be well worth it. He is not a game player. He is kind, loving and considerate. However, it's up to her whether he can also be made receptive to change.