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Capricorn and Leo Compatibility Horoscope

Capricorn Man and Leo Woman -- A very showy couple!

This man takes everything in life seriously, so if she really wants him she will have to keep her temper. If she smiles sweetly, speaks softly, he will walk the dog, take out the rubbish and forget that there are other women in the world. His price for such fidelity is control. Mr. Capricorn loves telling you what to do at every waking moment. He was the original model for the male chauvinist pig and his ideas haven't changed very much. His pace will never be as fast as she would like, but his durability outdoes all. He is, however, strong, sincere, honest and loving. If she's smart she'll shut her mouth and exert her warming influence; then she might even get him to support some of her causes.

Capricorn Woman and Leo Man -- Show vs Control!

He will meet her at a tennis club, but she won't be playing: she will be watching and her outfit will be more smashing than his backhand. During the skiing season, check out the sun beds. To all appearance this girl has class, but she wasn't born with it: she's paid a lot to get it. What she's seeking is her reward, and the bigger the better. He can charm her quite easily, but if he wants to keep her he will have to cut out the casual flirtation. This girl is after control and in her mind nothing is casual. When she cuts him dead, she's just being cautious. His narcissism makes her very nervous, so if he doesn't want to be abandoned he'd better behave.