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Aries and Pisces Compatibility Horoscope

Aries Man and Pisces Woman -- Emotional cross-purposes!

For her, it is almost love at first sight, whether or not she wants to show it. But that's just the sexual starters. After the first few nights, he's still totally ravishing her mind and body. However, after she witnesses how selfish he can be in the day, with the sun shining in his eyes, then it's quite another matter whether the love will continue. She is still searching for a knight on a white charger to come and whisk her away. Superficially, he will fulfill her fantasies, but underneath he cannot understand her and he won't even have the patience to try. She has a way of getting her feelings hurt at the most inconvenient moments, and he has a way of treading on them without either realizing it or wanting to be made aware.

Aries Woman and Pisces Man --- He should take care!

Her temper will give him nightmares, but what she does in his dreams is quite another matter. He is destined to fall flat on his face in love, but she won't want to hear or see it. He tries her patience, never gets to the point, and drives her to a state of insanity with his moods. She needs a man who is strong enough to push her around after she's stepped on his feet. However, Mr. Pisces will just stand there. At the same time, she will need a lot of love and approval, and Mr. Pisces can truly drown her in devotion. However, when his sentimentality starts to ooze and she suddenly feels more suffocated than aroused, he just knows he's nearing the beginning of the end. He sees her as a masochistic kind of challenge. She sees him as a noose around her neck that keeps getting tighter. At the end, through his tears, he'll wish her the worst. But she'll wish him the best, as she rushes out of his life forever, possibly screaming.