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Aquarius and Libra Compatibility Horoscope

Aquarius Man and Libra Woman -- She will tame him!

Any way you look at it, he's a little strange and eccentric, but also kind and understanding. However, the difference here is that he hangs out his head, while she tends to get stuck in her heart. She will meet him at a party, where he seems to be talking to everyone at once. He is a people person and loves to touch as many lives as possible. She feels the need to share experience, but Mr. Aquarius needs the feeling of being free. That doesn't mean that he will abandon her because he's found someone better. Rather, he needs to spend the occasional day in solitude, falling in love with some new equipment, or attending a seminar on some subject or other. Mr. Aquarius is a man who is warm and human, but also self-reliant and eager for new experience. If she can develop the same attitude, there are no limits to this relationship, but if she wants a man who is more of a cushion than a thinking being, she's better off walking on by.

Aquarius Woman and Libra Man -- Lively but tense!

She will understand his ego needs and listen to all his problems (even his problems with other women). He will never have had such undivided attention before, and naturally it can be habit forming. She doesn't make his bells ring or turn his lights on, but she does make him feel like he's never felt before. He won't be starry eyed, but he could be devastated. She'll take him to lectures on meditation and numerology, and he will teach her how to play the guitar. Because she has a million interests and knows a million people, he'll rarely see her, so he'll never have the chance to get sick of her and will remain sufficiently insecure to maintain a consuming interest.